My personal exploration of consciousness started six years ago, with a course in ‘mindfulness’. I’ve been working on it, ever since, a little more intensively, in the past three years. At the start of the current lockdown, I decided to actively share my experiences around consciousness, in the form of ‘conscious rest’ videos. You might be wondering- how does this fit with ‘B.Right’?
Consciousness can include many things. It is, amongst others, about living with attention to the here and now. But also, about our connection with all things living. That attention, and that interconnection, ensures that we build a different relationship with the planet, and the people and animals that walk on it. You see and feel the impact of your choices on Mother Earth, but also on its people and animals. Even though this seems distantly connected, being ‘conscious’, means that we will also make more sustainable choices in fashion.After all, we don’t want to harm ourselves nor things that we are connected with.
This, more grounded connection with ourselves and with others, provides a more holistic interpretation of our need for love, connection, community and reciprocity. As a result, we start looking for less happiness in materialism. We are able to stay in the here and now, with ease. As a result, we become more aware of our actions, and are less likely to make impulse purchases.There are many paths that lead to consciousness. The common thread is your own consciousness, and your interconnection with others. The second naturally follows the first. I hope to inspire you with this, by sharing videos and blogs.
If you have any questions about sustainable fashion or (the next step) for conscious rest. I would love to read them. During lockdown I offer free 30 minutes calls to answer all you questions and give you tips. Send me a mail at bienoe@b-right.org and we can fix a moment.